Shaikh Fawzaan on Saying “Madkhalis”


س/ نطلب من شيخنا الفاضل التنبيه على أمر ما قد انتشر في الآونة الأخيرة بين بعض الطلاب ألا وهو: +نبز بعض العلماء الأفاضل إلى من يستمع إليهم بأن هؤلاء جاميون وهؤلاء مداخلة ، ويقصدون بذلك شيخنا العالم رحمه الله محمد أمان الجامي وشيخنا الفاضل حفظه الله وسدد خطاه ربيع بن هادي المدخلي وصلى اللهم وبارك على نبينا محمد.


Question: We would like to draw your attention, our noble Shaikh, to an affair that has spread lately between some of the students and that is: the insulting of some of the noble ulama to those who are listening by saying : ‘Those (people) are Jaamee’oon

and ‘Those (people) are Madaakhilah (Madkhalis)’, and what they mean by that is our Shaikh and Scholar – rahimahullah- Muhammad Amaan al Jaamee and our Noble Shaikh – hafidhahullah (Allah preserve him) and guide his steps – Rabee ibn Hadee al Madkhalee. O Allah exalt our Prophet Muhammad and bless him.



الجواب: هذا داخل في جواب الذي انتهيت منه قريباً، اتركوا هذه الأمور وهذا التنابز ولا تنابزوا بالألقاب الله جل وعلا قال لكم:[ وَلَا تَنَابَزُوا بِالْأَلْقَابِ] (سورة الحجرات الآية:11). كلكم إخوة، وكلكم أهل دين واحد، كلكم زملاء ولله الحمد ، فانبذوا هذه الأمور واحترموا العلماء احترموا العلماء، من لم يحترم العلماء فإنه يحرم من علمهم يحرم من الاستفادة منهم ، اتركوا هذا الأمر تنابز بينكم وتناول العلماء الذين لهم الفضل ولهم على الناس المنزلة التي أنزلهم الله فيها { [يَرْفَعِ اللَّهُ الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا مِنْكُمْ وَالَّذِينَ أُوتُوا الْعِلْمَ دَرَجَاتٍ]،(سورة المجادلة الآية:11).

Answer: This enters into the answer I finished with recently. Leave these affairs – this is insulting each other, so do not insult each other by nicknames. Allah, Lofty and Exalted is He, told you (translated):

‘And do not insult each other with nicknames’


All of you are brothers and all of you are the people of one religion. All of you (students of knowledge and Scholars) are colleagues and to Allah is due all the praise. So turn away from these affairs and honor and respect the ulama, honor and respect them. Whoever doesn’t honor and respect the ulama, then he prevents (the people) from their knowledge and he prevents (the people) from benefitting from them. Leave this affair of insulting each other. Take from the ulama – they are the ones who have virtue and who have a status over the people that Allah has given them:

‘Allah will raise in degrees those of you who believe and those who have been given knowledge’ (58:11)



العلماء لهم مكانتهم ولهم قدرهم واحترامهم وإذا لم يوثق بالعلماء فبمن يوثق ؟ إذا نزعت الثقة من العلماء إلى من يرجع الناس ؟ هذه مكيدة لا شك ودسيسة لا شك بين الناس فيجب التنبه لها ويجب نبذها والابتعاد عنها والنهي عنها.اهـ

The ulama – they have their status and they have their rank and their respect. When a person does not deem the ulama to be trustworthy , then in whom will they put their trust ? If people’s confidence in the ulama is removed, then who will the people turn to? Without a doubt this is a deceptive plot and conspiracy from some people that it is obligatory to be aware of. And it is obligatory to turn away from it (insulting by nicknames to turn people away from the ulama of Ahlus Sunnah), and distance onself from it, and prohibit it


المرجع: نقلاً من محاضرة بعنوان (واجب طالب العلم بعد التخرج) في الجامعة الإسلامية بالمدينة النبوية وكانت يوم الإربعاء الموافق 8/4/1431هــ .


Taken from a lecture titled: ‘What is obligatory on the student of knowledge after graduation’ at the Islamic University of Madinah corresponding with Wednesday, 8th of Rabee uth Thanee 1431 Hijree


Translated by Ummu Khadijah



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