When someone is warned against, but not yet declared an innovator, they are to be stayed away from

This is a principle Shaikh Ahmad Bazmool mentioned in the lecture from here


(I made corrections to the text and also underlined some sentences)

Principle: The Difference between warning and declaring someone an Innovator

So from the important matters which will inshallah rid the Salafees from many problems, is to know a important matter and principle. And that is, the difference between warning against an Individual and declaring an Individual an Innovator, and when did each occur. This Principle will rid the Salafees from many Problems. This is because sometimes when you warn against a person, they say you declare him an Innovator. And every one wants to stand and want to quarrel with you. The Ulema, and the Salafus-Salih, and those who tread their path till this day, differentiate between warning against an Person and deeming him an Innovator.

As for Tabdeeý , this is to rule on a person that he has fall into Bidah. And the obligation of warning from him. As for Tahtheer (warning), this is not a ruling that a person has falling into innovation. However the Person is in a opposing stage and is being given advice. Meaning that he has opposed the Manhaj in matters which he maybe confused about or has been mistaken in, and has persisted on his mistake and this is in the beginning stages, when they are warning from this person. It may be said: Be careful of being around so and so and he is to be staying away from until he repents and returns to the truth and until we heard the detailed statemants of the scholars concerning him. What is the dangerous matter here? The dangerous matter is from different aspects….

(The Shaikh goes on to say):

So the Person who has been warned against is to be stayed away from. Especially from the Student of knowledge whose feet have not be grounded in knowledge. Why? This is because in this stage, the Person being warned against is between one of two things:

The first, that he returns to the Truth, and if he does, may Allah reward him.

And the second, that he persists upon his falsehood and does not return. Also during this stage he sends into  the hearts and minds of the youth unclear proofs and principles. And he roots into them foundations, that makes them think that he isn’t an Innovator. And they see him not to  have left the Manhaj. Due to this, if the Ulema declare him an Innovator after that. They won’t be pleased because he already  planted in their hearts that that which was being said of him is not true. OK, do they leave him? We say yes. Leave him and stay away. There is nothing better than being safe and sound and that your religion is safe. Alhamdulillah the Ulama are present. And the Salafee Students of knowledge are widespread. If they cannot be found, than the Salafi Tapes and Books are around. Allah didn’t attach the religion to a specific person. And the religion and truth is ongoing, alhamdulillah. And it is not related to personalities. Know the  truth and you will know its People.

So this is a serious principle you have to be aware of. Some People come and say: Such and such person has fell into this and that. Others say: The Ulama have not declared him yet an Innovator. OK, if they have not declared him an Innovator, this means he is in a stage, that either he will accept the truth or either deny it. And you may be become deceived by him and fall into his plot. So therefore islamicly it is upon you to stay away from him and wait and see what the Ulama says about him. Is he okay to be returned to and to be benefited from or to be left. Is this principle clear know? …

(end of quoting)

There is much more to the lecture – many more important principles transcribed at this link:


One of the important principles is that the truth is not attached to any person or personality except for the Messenger of Allah – sallallahu alayhe wa sallam (read here: https://sughayyirah.wordpress.com/principles-that-are-obligatory-for-the-salafee-to-know/ )