Archive for the ‘Increased by 2 letters’ Category

Verbs on the pattern اِفْعَلَّ present tense

May 11, 2010

Pattern IX is used for colors and defects. Example:

اِحْمَرَّ خَالِدٌ Khaalid turned red (blushed).

اِعْوَجَّ العَصَا The stick became crooked

As for verbs with a weak middle letter (like اعوجّ ) then these are conjugated like regular pattern IX verbs. As for verbs with a weak end letter on this pattern, then I have not encountered one so far. Even though اَعْمَى is a blind person (male), I do not see in the Hans Wehr that it is conjugated in pattern IX. One could say عَمِيَ He was (or became) blind (and this is pattern I).

Likewise with the double letter verbs, I haven’t encountered one that is conjugated on pattern IX yet so I do not know if these are conjugated in pattern IX or not. Though some defects do contain double letters, ex أَصَمُّ is a deaf male, however, I did not see in Hans Wehr that it is conjugated on pattern IX. One could say صَمَّ – he became (or was) deaf – and this is pattern I .

That is not to say that being blind or deaf is a defect, this is simply something that Allah has tested some individuals with. And for those who die as Muslims pleasing their Creator, then He will give them the same as everyone else who enters Paradise (including vision and hearing) in the Next Life. And it is said that the Prophet Shu’aib was blind. Also, the Companion Ibn Umm Maktoom was blind, the late scholar Abdul Azeez Bin Baz was blind and the contemporary living scholar Ubayd al Jaabiree is blind. And it is possible there were some deaf companions and scholars as well, but in my limited knowledge, I haven’t run across that yet. One could ask the Scholars about that.

In Madinah Book 3, chapter 24 (which goes over pattern IX ), it also includes the mubalaghah form for pattern IX which is اِحْمَارَّ، يَحْمَارُّ – these are two different patterns – one is increased by two letters (one alif and a double letter) and the other by three (two alifs and a double letter). According to the text of Binaa al-Af’aal, اِحْمَارَّ is the intensive for اِحْمَرَّ (refer to Binaa al- Af’aal for an example ). اِحْمَارَّ is conjugated the exact same way as اِحْمَرَّ (except with an extra alif after the meem in each conjugation : نَحْمَارُّ، تَحْمَارُّوْنَ، تَحْمَارِرْنَ etc),

(the first ر in تحماررن has kasrah)

How to conjugate verbs on pattern IX : pattern IX

Verbs on the pattern of اِفْتَعَلَ present tense

May 11, 2010

For possible meanings of form VIII, look here

Form VIII is covered in Madinah Book 3, chapter 23


Something interesting about form VIII is that when the first letter of the root is a certain letter, then the ت in the pattern اِفْتَعَلَ changes to a different letter. Examples (taken from the above link):

زَحَـمَ ازْدَحَم (إذا كانت فاء افْتَعَل دالاً، أو ذالاً، أو زاياً أبدلِتْ تاؤه دالاً).
When the first root letter is ز or د or ذ then theت changes to د
زَانَ …………………… Form these 3 verbs at left on the pattern of ifta’ala keeping in mind the above rule
ذَكَرَ ……………………
دَعَـا ……………………
صَـبَرَ اصْطَبَرَ (إذا كانت فاءُ افْتَعَلَ صاداً، أو ضَاداً، أو طاءً، أو ظاءً أُبْدِلَتْ تاؤه طاءً).
When the first root letter is aص or ض or ط or ظ then the ت changes to ط
صَفَا …………………  Form these 4 verbs at left on the pattern of ifta’ala keeping in mind the above rule
ضرَبَ …………………
ظَلَـمَ ………………
طَلَـعَ …………………
وَقَـي اتَّقى (إذا كانت فاءُ افْتَعَل واواً أُبدلَتْ تاءً)
]When the first root letter is a و then the و itself changes to ت(so you get two taa’s which looks like taa with shaddah تَّ )
وَصَـلَ ……………………  Form these 3 verbs at left on the pattern of ifta’ala keeping in mind the above rule
وَحَـدَ ……………………
وَفِـقَ ……………………


To see how regular verbs are conjugated on this pattern, look at this chart : pattern VIII saalim

Verbs on the pattern of اِنْفَعَلَ present tense

May 7, 2010

One of the meanings of this pattern/form is that it is the reflexive of form I

Example: اِنْكَسَرَ الكُوْبُ The cup broke (on its own)

As opposed to: كَسَرْتَ الكُوبَ You ( broke the cup

See Madinah Book 3, lesson 22


 For more examples of the reflexive for this pattern, go here (p.6) of the file

Chart with conjugation for this pattern: pattern VII saalim

Verbs on the pattern تَفَاعَلَ present tense

May 4, 2010

From the meanings of form VI are:

1.The mutual participation of an action, Ex. : تَعَاوَنَ to help each other

2.Pretending, Ex. : تَنَاوَمَ to pretend to sleep

For more meanings, see the chart here

In the conjugations which have two taa’s, you can drop one of the taa’s ( و لا تَعَاوَنُوا “And don’t help each other upon sin and transgression” 5:2 ta’aawanu, from تَتَعَاوَنُوا )

Click on the following file to learn its conjugation pattern VI saalim

Madinah Book 3, lesson 22 covers this pattern:


verbs on the pattern تَفَعَّلَ , present tense

April 24, 2010

This pattern generally means that you are doing pattern II yourself (or that something else is doing it to itself). For more meanings, look here Ex:

زَوَّجَنِيْ أبِيْ بِنْتَ عَمِّيMy father married me off to my cousin

i.e. He married me to someone else


تَزَوَّجْتُ بِنْتَ عَمِّي means I married my cousin

i.e. I myself did the act


كَسَّرْتُ الزُّجَاجَ  I shattered the glass


تَكَسَّرَ الزُّجَاجُ means the glass shattered (on its own)

(Most examples taken from Book 3)


Just like with pattern VI, when you have two taa’s on the beginning, you can drop one.  Ex (97:4)

تَنَزَّلُ from تَتَنَزَّلُ

See the following chart for how to conjugate  pattern V saalim

The above link corresponds to Madinah Book 3, Lesson 20

The 5 forms which are increased by two letters

April 24, 2010

Increased by two letters