Archive for April, 2015

Briefly: Abu Sa’eed al Khudree

April 29, 2015

Translated from Shaikh Fawzaan’s Explanation

Of Kitaabut Tawheed “al-Mulakh-khas”, p.30

أبو سعيدٍ الخدريُّ: هو أبو سعيدٍ الخُدريُّ

سعدُ بن مالِك بنِ سنانٍ الخزرجيُّ الأنصاريُّ

الخدريُّ نسبةً إلى بني خدرةَ

صحابيٌّ جليلٌ وابنُ صحابيٍّ

روى عن النبيِّ صلى الله عليه وسلم

أحاديثَ كثيرةً

مات سنة 74ه

Abu Sa’eed al-Khudree: He is Abu Sa’eed al-Khudree

Sa’d bin Maalik bin Sinaan, al-Khazrajee, al-Ansaaree,

al-Khudree – an ascription to Banee Khudrah.

He was a lofty Companion and the son of a Companion.

He narrated from the Prophet – sallallaahu alayhe wa sallam –

numerous narrations (ahaadeeth).

He died in the year 74 after the Hijrah.

Major and Minor Shirk

April 27, 2015

Translated from Shaikh Fawzaan’s Explanation

Of Kitaabut Tawheed “al-Mulakh-khas”, p.46

ثالثا – أنَّ الشركَ ينقسمُ إلى أكبرَ وأصغرَ

 فالأكبرُ هو أن يسوِّي غيرَ اللهِ باللهِ

فيما هو من خصائص الله

والأصغرُ هو ما أتى في النصوصِ أنه شركٌ

ولم يصلْ إلى حدِّ الأكبر

والفرقُ بينهما:

أ – أنَّ الأَكبرَ يحبطُ جميعَ الأَعمالِ

 والأصغرَ يحبطُ العملَ الذي قَارَنَهُ

ب – أنَّ الأَكبرَ يخلّدُ صاحبَهُ في النارِ

 والأَصغرَ لا يوجبُ الخلودَ في النارِ

ج – أنَّ الأَكبرَ ينقلُ عَنِ الملةِ

 والأّصغرَ لا ينقِلُ عَنِ الملةِ

Thirdly – that shirk is divided into Major Shirk and Minor Shirk. Major Shirk1 is when a person makes other than Allaah equal2 to Him in those things which are specific to only Allaah. And Minor Shirk is what has come in the texts (i.e. the Book and the Sunnah) as being shirk, but doesn’t reach the level of Major Shirk. The difference between the two:

A. Major Shirk nullifies all of the deeds. Minor shirk only nullifies the deed that it is attached to

B. Major Shirk causes the one who commits it to be in the Fire forever. Minor Shirk does not obligate that the one who commits it will be in the Fire forever

C. The one who commits Major Shirk exits from the religion. The one who commits Minor Shirk does not exit from the religion.


1The scholars of Ahlus Sunnah give more than one definition of shirk and these definitions complement each other and do not contradict each other. For example, Shaikh Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhaab said in The Three Principles that Shirk is: “calling upon other than Allaah along with Him”. This is correct and this is shirk (though it is a specific type of shirk). Shaikh Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhaab also defined shirk in his book, The Major Sins (al-Kabaa’ir) as:

هو جعل شريك لله سبحانه وتعالى في ربوبيته وإلهيته، 

making a partner with Allaah – Free is He from all deficiencies and imperfections, and He is the Most High – in His Lordship or His Divinity

Shaikh Fawzaan has also defined shirk as:

عبادة غير الله في أي نوع من أنواع العبادة

Worshiping other than Allaah in any of the types of worship

(see this link from So these definitions complement each other and do not contradict each other. Some are more specific and some are more general, but they are all correct.

2See the verse in surah Shu’araa (26:98)

Briefly: ‘Itbaan bin Maalik

April 23, 2015

Translated from Shaikh Fawzaan’s Explanation

Of Kitaabut Tawheed “al-Mulakh-khas”, p.28

عتبانُ: هو عتبانُ بنُ مالكِ بنِ عمروِ

بنِ العجلانِ الأنصاريُّ من بني سالمِ بنِ عوفٍ

صحابيٌّ مشهورٌ مات في خلافة معاويةَ

‘Itbaan: He is ‘Itbaan bin Maalik bin ‘Amr

bin al-‘Ajlaan, al-Ansaaree, from Banee Saalim bin ‘Awf

He was a well-known Companion who died during

the caliphate of Mu’aawiyah (radiallaahu anhumaa)

Shaikh Bin Baz: “I don’t like to be praised…”

April 22, 2015

قال الشيخ ربيع

وأتذكر مرة أن أحد العلماء المصريين أثنى على

الشيخ ابن باز ثناءً يستحقه

واعترض على هذا الثناء الشيخ ابنُ حميد رحمه الله وقال

أنت أثنيت علي الشيخ في وجهه وما كان ينبغي

فقد قَصَمْتَ ظهر الشيخ

فقال الشيخ معلقًا وكان مختنقًا بالبكاء

والله إني يعلم الله لا أحب المدحَ ظاهرًا ولا باطنًا

من ص 6 من الكتاب: الفرقة الناجية أصولها وعقائدها

Shaikh Rabee said:

I remember once that one of the scholars of Egypt

praised Shaikh Bin Baz – praise that he deserved

Shaikh Bin Humaid objected to this praise

(i.e. he objected to someone being praised to their face)

(we ask that) Allaah have mercy upon him –

and he (Shaikh Ibn Humaid) said:

You have praised the Shaikh to his face and

this was not befitting;

you have broken the Shaikh’s back.

So Shaikh Bin Baz commented on that

while choking back tears by saying:

By Allaah, Indeed Allaah knows

that I don’t like to be praised,

neither to my face nor behind my back”

From p.6 of the book:

The Saved Sect: Its Principles and its Beliefs

Some of the Statements of the Scholars on Muhammad al Imam and the Pact he signed with the Shi’a

April 21, 2015

File can be downloaded from here:

Some of the statements of the Scholars on Muhammad al Imaam and the pact he signed with the Shia